We’ve flown to the other end of the country to the modern, vibrant, funky city of Cape Town, the cradle of white settlement in South Africa and also, so it’s said, the least “African” of all African cities. Unlike Johannesburg, there are white faces everywhere on the streets, and there seems to be no end to the good life in some of the richer beachside suburbs, like this one called Clifton, where Annie and Molly hammed it up (top pic) for the camera before pouring a bit of Atlantic sand into a bottle for safekeeping.
Close as we are to the Cape of Good Hope, it’s hard not to daydream about what it must have looked like hundreds of years ago when the first white folks set foot here, and about the ships that have sunk in these treacherous waters and about the magic and mystery of two great oceans (Indian and Atlantic) colliding.
The other pictures here were taken at sunset from the top of Table Mountain, the most famous landmark in Cape Town. (One day the heat of the lowveld, and the next it’s 5C up here. Gotta love it.)
Nancy and Doog: What a fantastic array of photos. I am so envious of the adventure and experiences! I cannot wait to get to meet in person to hear the details of this incredible journey.
Keep safe. Lots of love,
WOW !! Nancy I'm really impressed and wish you and your family all the best. Keep up the great work.
an old friend
Gary Hunchak
Gaily, thank you so much for your support; it means a lot! Been staying at many S. African backpackers' recently and it reminds me of Greece when we were 19. Holy shit, what a long time ago!
Gary Hunchak, now there's a name I haven't heard for a while. Thanks so much for your support; nice to know there's a Prueter/Preuter (sp?!!) connection out there!
take care,
PS Fingers crossed that some day I'll actually get a publisher....!
The prospective publishers can all suck my kiss!! Just keep writing and when Molly and Annie discover your memoirs in about 40 years from now in a box in the attic......then the real value will pour in the door!
And here's to publishers.....may there next shit be a porcupine and all their chickens turn into emus and kick their shithouse DOWN!!
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